Once a small group of close friends reached today a landmark of 2000 members.
FrontierVille Facts and Tips and Tricks became a group loved by a lot of FrontierVille addicts …
Cegamers.com will donate 200 lunches to FrontierVille Facts and Tips and Tricks admins to give away to their members and celebrate this landmark.
Group Info:
Original Founding in September 2009.
Release date
March 16 2011
The place for you to come and be surrounded by other FTV addicts!!!!!!!
Welcoming you all to our peaceful FrontierVille related sanctuary…please feel free to come in and bring along your friends as we grow together once again!!
We are a dedicated team of daily FTV Players that are here to help. Please know we are not Zynga and cannot fix your in-game issues, but we’ll help you get to the right place.
General information
We offer any knowledge we have gained from personal experience to those who are seeking help, as well as tips tricks and fun contests and giveaways.
Our mission is to help ease you through this game and all of its glitches and errors as easily as we can manage.
Kizzy Graves is the owner and creator of FrontierVille Facts Tips and Tricks and is the owner and creator of the name and it’s logo.
Do you need a good active group of frontierville players, what do you wait for , join them now.